: Click! was a game idea we came up with one day when we were really hungover at GDC. We were discussing what would be the simplest, dumbest game you could possibly make, because we were coming off half a decade of creating possibly one of the most technologically complex MMOGs ever (LEGO Universe). Thus, the Kinda Evil Button of Click! was born... and it turned out to be strangely addictive!
: Click! The most intense MBCOG (Massive Button Clicking Online Game) to ever grace the universe! Behind every Click! lies a mystery that only you can discover. Compete with your friends for who can Click! the most. Look like you are extremely busy by furiously Click!ing.
: You can click a really cute but maybe a little evil button.
: You get a point for each time you click.
: Your scores are constantly saved in near-real time to the global Click! leaderboards.
: NEW! Use the Click Doubler! to get 2x points for every click!
: Connect with Facebook to out Click! your friends and post really annoying messages they have to read or hide on their wall.